Discover the BuildUp Group


BuildUp, through beSteel and  Retrofitt, is transforming construction and renovation to meet urban, environmental, and sustainability challenges.

Groupe 20833


Today, BuildUp is a group of specialized divisions that build, renovate, and rethink off-site construction.

We are positioned for change and ready to lead the transformation of our industry.


BuildUp is now the group that embodies our core values: quality, sustainability, and speed in off-site construction. As the identity of the group, it unites our expertise and capacity for innovation across various market segments.


With a shared vision of off-site construction, we have expanded our impact across all sectors of the industry—from construction to energetic renovation, fast modular construction, and the integration of various expertise, from architects to general contractors and builders.


BuildUp is for everyone, because we believe that each stakeholder plays a key role in reinventing our built environment and transforming the construction industry for the long term.

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  • Groupe 20825
  • Groupe 20829
  • Groupe 20809
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Discover our 2 subsidiaries:

energetic renovation & steel frame construction


A project in progress?

Are you interested in the advantages of steel framing?
Looking for energy-efficient renovation solutions?

Our solutions significantly accelerate your construction or renovation project.